3D Printing Is Becoming More Accessible For The Daily Dabber
Since Stratasys’ 1992 patent for 3D printing expired, companies such as MakerBot and others began making it more affordable to the masses. When I first looked into these home units they were upwards of $2000 per unit. Nowadays, a decent 3D printer is affordable to pretty much anyone willing to shell out a couple hundred bucks! I purchased my first 3D printer for just over $200. That’s pretty decent considering the first quote I received for a print was about the same price.
Leveling The Playing Field
Although 3D printing your gear can be painfully slow, rolling out small-batches of new designs is often much faster compared to fabricating a mold for traditional injection molding. This is especially true if modifications or updates are necessary after the first mold is created. With 3D printing the cost to iterate is much lower.
For this reason, both professionals and hobbyists find usefulness in the rapid design and prototyping capabilities that 3D printing brings to the table. Whether manufacturing at a home or on a commercial scale, it can be a huge advantage to be able to rapidly roll out new designs at a relatively low cost. Many companies in the cannabis industry have incorporated 3D printing into their arsenal. They are creating a variety of innovative cannabis and dab equipment into their product lines.
Free Files For Beginners
File platforms such as Thingiverse and Yeggi are constantly expanding their offerings of free creative commons files. Users of the platform upload their digital models and many of these files are printable with very little experience necessary (although some end up requiring some modifications).
If you’re up for the technical and maintenance challenges such as constant tinkering, optimizing, and adjusting your printer and print settings, it’s never been a better time to try out 3D printing yourself. Hardware prices have dramatically decreased, and there are many online forums, groups, videos and articles to assist with your endeavor.
However if you’d rather leave it to the experts there are more than a few online mixing business and pleasure with their own custom 3D printed cannabis gear. Scroll down to see some of the coolest 3D printed dabbing products that I have found so far (along with a few of my own).
3D Printed Bongs And Rigs
Perhaps some the most impressive examples of 3D printed bongs are these ceramic water pipes by Printabowl. The way they are made is inspiring and innovative: the pieces are not directly 3D printed but rather cast into 3D printed ceramic molds. First, the 3D printer is used to make a mold. The mold is then filled with clay ceramics. The ceramics are fired in a kiln at high temperatures to harden the material and solidify the glazing. What emerges from the ashes is a beautiful piece with intricate details.
Clay is a superior material for this particular purpose compared to the standard 3D printing plastics. Clay ceramics are much stronger than a typical 3D printed plastic part when it comes to heat resistance. Also, the glazing lends a very slick and smooth finish that makes it pop and shine as you see in the images to the right. I’m not sure if they ever went ahead with mass production of these, but it’s definitely a cool concept that I hope gets expanded upon. Stoner engineering at it’s finest!
Dabrite Station
The Dabrite Station by Splashin is a great addition to the Dabrite terpometer. It holds qtips, a capper, a dabbing tool, ISO vial(s), and a pill or pearls. The form factor is designed to fit perfectly around your Dabrite and holds everything you need nearby.
Honeycomb Organizer Stand
This stand can hold a really wide variety of tools. It’s pretty versatile, holding just about any dab accessory you can think of: dab tools, cappers, bangers, an 18650 battery, and a storage container. The one thing it doesn’t do that well is hold qtips. You might be able to hold a few in the very center module, but then you couldn’t really hold the dab tool in there very well at the same time.
It even holds a lot of stuff you might not think of at first, such as a BIC lighter, some chapstick, art supplies like paint brushes and pens, etc., This holder is extremely versatile and general, but perhaps a bit too general, compared to some of the other products that are specifially optimized to fit certain items.
Puffo Peak Caddy
This killer shark caddy for the Puffco Peak brings style and functionality with included qtip, dab tool, and vial holders attached. It’s probably not meant to be used with the caddy in hand, but rather a cool looking base to set the Peak after use and to keep everything in once place. TheDabCaddy’s Instagram is @dabfish.co.
3D Printed Dab Stations, Caddies, Holders, etc.
Having a good dab caddy to hold your q-tips and dab accessories is essential. No one likes trying to find a capper or q-tip after the dab has already left the dabber. Keeping the tips and tools all in one spot helps to keep the banger clean and getting a good cap on the dab yields bigger clouds more efficiently with lower temps.
I am always designing and updating my dab tool holders; incorporating various holder combinations to make the perfect fit for any dabber. Pictured here are a few of the latest designs including a dab caddy enail combo which functions as a dab rig base and also has attachment ports for a qtip holder and other dabbing accessories to go along with your setup.
Scroll to see some more awesome examples of accessory caddies from some of my favorite companies that have put in the time and love into making some great products to hold your tools and dabbing accessories close to your e-nail.
Zabo Designs
Zabo designs opened up their Etsy shop in 2019 and have since stepped up their game with advanced 3D printing techniques such as multicolored fades. They also have quite an eye for design (as you can see) and their print quality is on point. Pictured here is a color fade dab tool holder next to one of their capper holders. The dabber tool holder could also probably hold a pop-top dispensary container which you could use to hold q-tips; which is my favorite quick-and-dirty way to “MacGuyver” up a cheap q-tip holder.
Mystery Cube Slurper Station
I am obviously a huge fan of Mario, so this brick block made by Splashin was a must-have on this list. The sphere holder looks just like the tubes from the video game! Nice touch! It has a spot for a sphere, terp pearls, a terp pill, and a banger. I like how it packs it all in very efficiently, conserving space.
Corner Caddy Station With Modular Storage Upgrade by Glob Mob
Glob Mob USA has some of the cleanest and most functional dab tool holders that I’ve found so far. They went a step above-and-beyond by adding silicone inserts inside of the holders, which helps to keep gear from from sticking to the holder. The inserts are also removable, so you can swap them out for cleaning, or even choose different colors. The use of silicone also allows you to set warm objects in after dabbing without worrying about melting the rubber. There’s room for just about anything you would need to keep handy in a dab station here, and the drawers slide back in so you get quite a bit of storage without taking up too much room. All of the silicone pieces are food-grade platinum-cured for peace of mind.
710 Print Shop Dunk Station
The Dunk Station by 710 Print Shop is a simple yet effective way to retrieve your dunked bangers and other gear from an iso bath without having to submerge your fingers into the liquid. Just lift the basket out of the glass container, let the isopropyl fall back out into it’s glass container, and retrieve your washed banger.
The Jumbo Deep Fryer Banger Cleaner
The Jumbo Deep Fryer Banger Cleaner functions very similar to the above, but with a different style. I like that has bigger handles to lift the baskets out of the dunking station as well as the cool little details like the fake temperature knobs, buttons, and colors. The overall design is really creative IMO.
The one disadvantage that this design might have over the design above is that the dunking area is plastic rather than glass. In my experience PLA plastic is somewhat porous, so it might leak if you let the ISO sit in it overnight. Also, there is usually a bit of texture created by the layers of the 3D printer, so that could make it a bit harder to clean any globs of resin that collect at the bottom.
Big Shot Gear Kit
The Big Shot Gear Kit by 710 Print Shop adapts to the Big Shot torch to make the gas knob easier to grip and adjust. It also features a base to keep the torch more sturdy and help prevent it from tipping over. They offer a variety of styles of attachments for the Big Shot torch at their shop.
3D Printed Rosin Tech
We probably won’t see any actual 3D printed rosin plates come to market until metal 3D printers are better developed. However PLA plastic (which is the industry standard) is very suitable to make rosin puck pre-presses. The image shows a standard 3″ x 3″ puck press that will last quite a while for preparing the flower into a nice little brick for pressing. I make these pre-presses, and offer the option to add your logo or artwork to the top and sides.
The Jumbo Terp Dumpster
This Desktop Dumpster by Concentrate Crafts Co is best for holding qtips; but it could also hold dab tools and other accessories as well. It fits perfectly right in the back alley of your dab station. The dumpster makes it easy to grab and dump your tips lightning-fast! The partitioned receptacle allows you to keep clean tips on one side and dirty, spent tips on the other.
This handy debowler tool assists in removing the cashed/spent material out of your bowl after you’re finished with it. The module fits inside of your stash jar so you don’t have to carry a separate tool around. It also has a nut that loosens the toothpick so if and when it gets worn out you can just replace it with a new one.
This particular model is made for the Big Papi container by Jyarz but thankfully Delta 3D Studios offers customization services to make it fit whatever container you prefer.
Pax 2 Scoop-N-Tamp Tool
This 3D printed tool is one of the new on this list that’s surprisingly not made of plastic. The Pax 2 Scoop-N-Tamp Tool by Delta 3D studios is actually printed in stainless steel, which requires a very specialized 3D printer. These printers are not easily accessible to the everyday user.
This tool is made to fit the “oven”/heating chamber of a dry herb unit so you can perfectly tamp your flower to the right density. Tamping is important with convection style units because the amount air flow through the product determines how much heat will be delivered. Too dense, and it might not deliver much at first, then suddenly end up scorching the herb. Too airy, and not enough air will be forced to contact the product. The heat will just pass by, resulting in a smaller output.
3D Printed E-Nail Controllers
I started offering 3D printing customized 3D printed dabbing controllers in 2019 when a customer asked for Roger the Alien from Futurama. I was quoted almost the same amount to have a print made as the cost of a printer itself. I figured why not just dive in so I can make more if I wanted. And so I began my journey…
It’s always fun to explore and design new custom enclosures and accessories. It feels like a puzzle sometimes finding ways to fit the electronics inside. Although the design process and printing time can take quite a a bit of time, it’s usually well worth it in the end to witness something new materializing into existence.
Fun fact: some mushrooms actually grow faster than a typical FDM 3D printer can print. FDM is the standard method for base-model/home unit 3D printers. So now you know why they can be so costly. It’s definitely best suited for small runs or one-offs than it is for mass production.
Quad Dabber Stand
This sleek dabber tool rack by Glob Mob is made for those who come prepared for any type of concentrate as it holds four different dabber tools. You can keep your sauce, wax, and shatter tools easily accessible in one spot so you can quickly switch in between for different consistencies of product.
They even added rubber feet on the bottom to keep it from skidding around, as well their logo as a multi-colored print. These kind of finishing touches signal top-notch quality to me. It’s a thoughtful yet simple design.
Terpobuds for Terpometer
Terpobuds are made for the Terpometer banger thermometer. Keeping the Terpometer upright makes it much faster and easier to pick up when you are ready to use it. It’s also just a fun little design to keep around.
The Dabvac is a simple 3D printed product that allows you to dab on the go with the use of a torch. The part that is 3D printed is the joint adapter that connects the glass dish to the hose. It’s basically a simplified rig, or concentrates pipe (or a mini concentrates hookah?).
I spotted this interesting device years ago on Instagram; but I never got to try it out! If you have this and love it, please leave a comment or contact. I feel like the heat would melt the plastic being so close to the glass, but I’ve never tried it so what do I know? It’s an interesting idea, at the very least!

3D Printed Mods
There are probably as many options for mods as there are flavors of juices. The options open up even wider and become more vast as you consider that there are also options to 3D print your own at home!
Some high end 3D printed mods can cost hundreds of dollars due to the care and time it can take to design and craft a beautiful, working product in short-run production. Fortunately, there are ways (as illustrated in the displayed video) that show you how to make a DIY printed mod for less than $15! Check out the video and download the printable file if you have a 3D printer to make and/or customize your own DIY from the comfort of your own home. You could adapt it to make it your own or just start from scratch by doing a few quick measurements of the electronics once you get them.
The file for the pictured Squonk Mech Mod case can be purchased for just $2.12 and printed at will. The only additional costs are your time, electricity, and a small amount of plastic filament for the printer. After that you just need to purchase the electronics, which should end up being way cheaper than buying a custom mod outright. There are also many DIY guides for mods available on the internet if you’re up the challenge!

Other 420-Friendly 3D Printed Items:
Trippy 3D Printed objects:
These next 3D printed items aren’t necessarily cannabis gear but a lot of you may find them interesting. You can make all of these at home for yourself or have someone with a 3D printer print them out for you:
Driftwood From Fractals: (Thingiverse) (video)
Trammel of Archimedes: (Youmagine) | (video)
Pyramid Fractal: (Thingiverse)
Customizeable Fractal: (Thingiverse)
OK, Everyone Needs This One At Some Point Whether You Dab Or Not...
This is the most handy and helpful 3D printed “hack” that I’ve found so far. It’s not dab related, but if you’re reading this there’s about an 85% chance you are sitting on a computer chair. There’s another 85% chance that your computer chair will start sinking eventually, as the hydraulic seals wear out and start leaking air. This is the most annoying thing — especially as a tall person with long lege. It’s basically intolerable.
So I found the perfect fix for my office chair on Thingiverse. I printed it, and slapped the sucker on with some wire ties as instructed. Voila! No more sinking office chair! It’s been solid ever since and surprisingly has not even come close to breaking under the weight of daily use, since it was printed 100% solid with no inner voids to save on material with thick walls.
The Future Is Bright...

3D printing materials and capabilities have also come a long way in the past decade. Projections indicate an even larger leap for the next decade as everything from houses to human livers have been successfully printed out! Large players such as Amazon have also been taking interest in rapid production of bespoke goods. These items can be made on the spot as ordered and would require less space to store inventory. If home units become even more popular it’s not much of a stretch to project that Prime could even offer ready-to-print files as customers shift the supply lines to start creating their own hyper-local orders at home to skip the wait and bypass shipping.
Right now 3D printing can be a bit of a clunky process. You need to find exactly what file you need, make sure there are no errors in the model, get the print settings right, make sure the printer is perfectly aligned and maintained, etc. Limits on materials that most affordable desktop printers are able to use can also be limiting in some cases as far as what objects you can print successfully with full functionality.
However, with advancements in 3D printed housing, organs, medicine, and food, it’s logical to imagine a future where a small business or even a household might own multiple types of 3D printers. In the future just about anyone should be able to to fulfill most of their material needs right at home without waiting for someone to ship them their goods or being stuck with a design that doesn’t 100% meet their needs.
Localized manufacturing could minimize social, economical, political, and/or environmental impact of global trade. Robot labor will most likely shift the dynamics of world trade to a more localized manufacturing model that reduces the need to ship certain goods across long distances. Combined with AI and quantuum computing, the future could be very bright for 3D printing in so many ways…It’s definitely one of those things that will leave your mind blown!
There’s also the impact on the labor force; which has good and bad implications. Robots could either relieve us of more burdensome labor or greatly restrict the ability that one has to produce value and contribute to society. Then again, people might be more freed up from the burdensome tasks and move on to focus on the more interesting tasks such as design and user feedback.
Have an idea for an awesome piece of #dabtech you want to get out there? Contact and let’s discuss! NDA’s are available if necessary.