Dab Tool Holder | Expandable Stand:
Keep your q-tips and core tools within reach for ninja-quick access with my ultimate dab tool holder. Choose your options to hold a spare banger (14mm male), ISO vial, or capper tool using the menu below. All options include a spot for two standard dabber tools and have some extra space to keep some dabs in the front tray area. Keep one nail docked and ready after soaking and cleaning. so you’re always prepared with fresh gear. This holder can be expanded using attachable modules hooked to the bottom of the holder.
- 2-part Q-tip compartment in back for your new and spent tips
- Capper holder to keep them accessible. The nail holder also holds most cappers
- Two extra expansion slots on bottom allow for extra attachable modules
- Two slots in front fit a straight dabber tool that’s 3.75″ or longer
- 3D printed and designed in Oregon
- Made with non-toxic PLA plastic material
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Dab Tool Holder For Convenient Accessibility
This dab tool holder combo is one particular item that is not necessarily essential; but it’s about as close as it gets to a must-have for any daily dabber. The dab tool holder stand is not necessary but very convenient to help keep tools from getting lost. It keeps them from rolling around and collecting crud. If you care about keeping your quartz clean, you will want a place to keep your q-tips handy for when you need them. You may have questions about what makes a full e nail set. It’s completely understandable with all of the accessory and tool options to choose from. I wrote this handy article to summarize and highlight the core gear and function of each here.
Why Do I Need Q-Tips To Dab?
I would actually consider a q-tip holder to be right on the borderline of crucial, since you definitely can dab without it. The question is how long without q-tipping can you go without the nail tasting like garbage? Of course you can always just rip open the q-tip box and leave it on the table. There are three drawbacks to this however: it takes up more space than a typical qtip holder, and reminds one of a bathroom. Go from nasty to classy in .710 seconds and elevate your q-tips to chronic status with this compact dab tool holder stand.
A Dabber’s Best Friend
A dab can quickly slip away and turn into a dry crust if you don’t tip it fast enough. This is what is referred to as “chazzing” and why it’s nice to have a dedicated accessory stand to prevent this. “Chazzing” or a chazzed banger usually refers to the black deposits from old residue. When you let it dry for too long it can build up. When the crust builds up it becomes harder to remove and diminishes the flavor of your concentrate. The easiest dab surface which is most resistant to chazzing is SiC, which is why I like it so much. All you have to do is heat some purified water at about 300F and the crust lifts right off and floats up into the water. You can just dump it right out instead of torching it and putting it through unnecessary high thermal cycles, as well as exposing to combustion by-products.

Conner Goertzen
I am a DIY electronics enthusiast who has been 3D printing since 2018, making custom e-nail controllers since 2016, and putting together custom electronic instruments since 2011.