Instructions For RCCtools E-Nail Controllers(also see FAQ)
Here are the most basic and important instructions to note before using your enail controller for the first time. Please also see the FAQ if you don’t find your answer here, or use the contact page.
Initial Setup
The setup is fairly simple. All you need to do is plug the power cable into the controller unit and the wall outlet, plug in the heat coil cable to the controller, attach the banger to the heat coil, and then insert the banger into the dab rig.
When plugging in the power cable to the back of the controller box, please make sure the cord is seated all the way into the plug. If the cord is seated slightly crooked in the plug, it may be disconnecting the power from one of two prongs on the plug. If you do run into this issue just hold the hard plastic end of the cord when and press firmly to seat into the power receptacle.
The heater coil will only plug in one way. There is a notch on the “top” of the coil plug which you can align with the button labeled “push” on the cord receptacle. You will feel and hear a click that lets you know the cord is fully seated. If your plug doesn’t click don’t worry about it as long as it feels plugged in all the way with a nice firm push.
After attaching your banger to the heat coil with the included clamp and inserting the banger into your dab rig, you’re ready to go! Switch the power button in back to the on position and adjust the temperature using the instructions below.
Temperature Settings
To set the temperature simply press and hold the up and down arrows, then wait. There is no need to press the “set” button. That’s only used for changing advanced settings, which are programmed optimally for dabbing straight out of the box. Unless you are an electronic engineer or need to change from Fahrenheit to Celsius on the display these settings are best left alone.
You can hold the up or down arrow for a few seconds to “fast forward” through the temperature settings and move quicker. If it’s too fast you can just hold for 5-7 seconds or so in pulses to reach your desired temperature.
The optimal temperature depends on your nail, specific concentrate product, and user preferences. Most users prefer anywhere between about 400F-750F. The maximum temperature recommended by the manufacturer is 1000F, which is only normally only used for cleaning purposes. Exceeding this temperature could shorten the lifespan of the heater coil and/or any glass attached.
The bottom line is that there is a wide range of preferences depending on different product, and even accessories such as capper or nail type. Start with a solid average around 700F and tick up and down 20 degrees or so from there to experience the difference at different temperature ranges.
Why Is My Enail Not Heating Up?
There are a few possibilities, but 99% of the time the reason that an enail is not heating up is because the pins on the coil plug are actually rearranged in a different order. Coil incompatibility is by far most common issue that I’ve seen with customers buying a new controller or coil from separate companies without checking the plug’s pin arrangement first. If the pins on the plug are rearranged then the connections will not be going to the right place in the controller, causing the controller no not power on or malfunction.
Your original seller should have this information ready and available for you; but if you don’t have any luck with them check out this extensive guide on how to find your heat coil wiring.
Other than coil incompatibility, there could of course also be faulty components, solder joints, or broken wires; but this is way more rare.

CAUTION: to avoid injury and/or damage
Heating coil compatibility is important!!
Do not attempt to replace coils from another brand until finding out if the wiring order matches. The order for the pins 1-5 on the standard heat coil plugs are: pin1=AC power, pin2=AC power, pin3=TC+, pin4=TC-, pin5=ground
The controller unit and coil both use mains electricity, which has the potential to do lethal damage to humans and other animals! If you attempt to open the case for any reason you must do so at your own risk. Unplug the unit after use to be completely sure it won’t be switched back on by accident or on purpose by a child, pet, or other beings.
Make sure the cables and rig are placed so to minimize the chance of someone or something tugging on the cables or tipping the rig over. Do this to prevent a hot coil or nail from falling over and causing a fire hazard. In the event that the coil and/or nail were to fall down due to tipping over, breakage, slippage, etc., a silicone mat underneath the coil/nail can help to protect any surfaces below from getting scorched or charred, if you’re around to catch it in time. Obviously if you’re not there to catch it in time it could still cause a fire hazard, but a silicone mat can buy a little time and prevent any immediate damage to below surfaces. Do not keep anything flammable underneath the heating coil, or within any proximity which may cause a fire hazard. Thankfully, most surfaces such as wood are relatively difficult to ignite when on low temps (around 400-500F) so keep in mind your temperatures as well for extra safety precautions.
More obvious stuff: Don’t spill any liquids on or around the controller, heater coil, nail, or power cord! Keep all included items free from all moisture and excessive humidity over 85% RH (relative humidity). Soft power cords should never be excessively or repeatedly bent or compressed. This may damage the insulation in the cord which could cause the cord to heat up and cause a fire. Working ambient (environmental) temperature of the controller unit is 32C-122F and up to 85%RH (relative humidity). Do not defeat the ground prong (third prong) on the power cable in any way, such as removing or using a three-prong to two-prong adapter. Always let any heated parts such as a coil, nail, insert, etc. cool down completely before touching or handling to avoid burns. Do not immerse the heat coil or controller in liquid or allow these items to come in contact with excessive moisture.
Initial Dab Nail Cleaning
For Titanium nails, it is best to heat the nail up to around 100-300F and swab some 99% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) on the nail surface using a q-tip. This will remove any oil residues from the manufacturing process such as machine oils that may still be present. There is also a process called seasoning the nail, which also doubles to make sure the nail is fresh before first use. Check out this dab cleaning article for more information.
Emergency Dab Nail Cleaning:
Set the controller to 1060F and wait about 5 minutes to turn back down to desired set temps, which are normally about 500F-900F (depending on nail type and preference). With a standard Ti or quartz nail 710F is a pretty standard temperature, however with more massive Ti nails you may want to use more heat to prevent un-used, pooling product on the nail. For smooth, pronounced flavors (but a little more waste) a lower temperature with a carb cap is recommended. The higher temperatures tend to dry out the dab on the nail more quickly, making a crust which is harder to remove with ISO q-tipping. Lower temperatures leave some liquid, which tends to lift the small amount of crust that may build up on a #lowtempdab.
Replacing a Blown Fuse (in case of short circuit or power surge)
If the controller ever draws too much amperage from the wall there is fuse in place for safety purposes. The LED display on the controller will not light up, nor will power be supplied to any other component in the unit. To get the unit working again, you will need to first correct the over-current (amperage) issue that caused the fuse to blow, then replace the fuse with a 120V AC 3A quick-blowing fuse. The fuse port (located in the center of the power receptacle in back) can be popped out with a flat tool, and the fuse can easily be replaced from there.

PRO TIP: Use a capper tool for better clouds
A capper tool helps tremendously to produce the same amount of cloud at a lower temperature!
Tilting the coil inward towards the center of the rig will help balance out smaller rigs or rigs that don’t have a heavy base. This greatly reduces the common tipping problem.
Besides getting moisture on the coil, the number one way to break one is to bend the wire too much too many times. The second is frequent extreme changes in temperature (hence the no moisture rule). Be aware that setting to 1080F to clean from a cold start will stress the coil more than if you start the set temperature to 700F and then bring it up about a minute later.