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14mm Basic E-Nectar Tip (Only)


14mm Standard E-Nectar Tip

  • Best way to keep constant heat on a nectar nail
  • Preserve the nail by never needing to heat to red hot
  • Fits 14mm glass / nectar joints
  • Fits 10mm barrel heat coils

E-nail nectar set coils are good on average for about a year, (but they can last for many years if taken care of). It is important to make sure that the pin configurations will match between your new heat coil and the e-nail itself, please check out the quick e nail plug compatibility guide if you haven’t already. It’s important!

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $7.99.

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Conner Goertzen

Conner Goertzen

I am a DIY electronics enthusiast who has been 3D printing since 2018, making custom e-nail controllers since 2016, and putting together custom electronic instruments since 2011.
